Hemp's incomparable value was apparent to the founders of our country:
~The first U.S. laws regarding hemp required anyone who owned land to grow hemp(!)
~Due to its countless uses as food, fuel and fiber, citizens were allowed to pay taxes with hemp to encourage economic prosperity.
In 1936, petroleum and forestry schemed to protect their own interests and sabotage our opportunities to benefit from using hemp by claiming hemp was the same as the marijuana, and effectively manipulated the direction of our country into a petrochemical vs agricultural industrial revolution.
We are still discovering the consequences of this tragic direction which is still controlling our lives.
Hemp oil burns clean with no carbon; imagine a world without carbon pollution from cars...
Henry Ford designed and fueled a car made of hemp.
Hemp is chemically distinct from marijuana. It is one of the longest, strongest and most durable natural soft fibers that grows without the use of insecticides or irrigation. It produces 4x's the biomass as the same acreage of trees and could be grown throughout the 48 contiguous United States for paper, building materials, and 1000's of other uses. It is a plant perfect for sustainably support regional economic development.
Hemp is a highly nutritious fiber. Its seed oil is a complete protein with all of the amino acids and highest in essential fatty acids especially helpful to prevent cancer, heart disease and high blood pressure as well s depression and anxiety. The seed is 35% fiber(!)
Imagine the ways hemp could relieve us of the consequences from countless toxins used in manufacturing today.